Centre for Human Ecology - an independent, engaged think-tank. We work with people at the sharp end of ecological and social action to effect practical change and develop new thinking that influences policy and practice for ecological sustainability and social justice.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Defra's aim: Sustainable development, which means a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come
Elm Farm Research Centre - "sound, independent information, advice, news and comment on organic farming, food and associated issues."
Festival of Life- celebrating sustainable, compassionate, raw/living-food & holistic lifestyles
Five Year Freeze - the GM Freeze campaign is supported by an alliance of national organisations who share the public's deep concern over the speed at which genetic engineering is being introduced into food and farming.
Food and Health Partnership - brings organisations together from across the food system to work to ensure a co-ordinated approach to tackling food supply, access and consumption.
Food Ethics Council - develop tools to help make ethical thinking a standard practice in policy, business and everyday life. We work towards a food system that is fair, humane, secure and sustainable.
Funky Raw - is a group of people in the raw movement who want to create more than just vibrant health with the foods they eat.
Fresh Network - is a unique organisation based in the UK, promoting a diet high in raw & living foods to all those who wish to find out more about this way of eating/living, as well as supporting those who are making, or have already made the change
Green Cuisine - an old manor farm on the Welsh borders, Daphne Lambert runs Greencuisine courses. She believes we are what we eat, and that when organically grown food comes from the land around us it gives us as sense of true well-being.
Henry Doubleday Research Association - Britain 's premier organic display and demonstration gardens. Also heritage seeds supplying organically sourced and older traditional varieties of seeds.
Institute for Simplified Hydroponics - dedicated to making a difference by developing and sharing knowledge and skills of simplified hydroponics to reduce hunger and malnutrition and reduce impact on earth's resources
Local Food Works - about local food developed by Soil Association and Countryside Agency
Organic Valley - is a farmer-owned cooperative producing the highest quality, best tasting organic milk, cheese, eggs, meat, soy milk, juice, and produce available on the market today.
Permaculture Australia - an impressive website with an interesting application of permaculture zoning to provide extensive information.
Plants For A Future - is a resource centre for rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or other uses; we have sites in Cornwall and Devon.
Purple Penguin- vegan organic caterers for festivals, parties and other events.
The Raw Food Coach - information, inspiration, delicious, quick and easy raw food recipes or some more personal assistance to help you "go raw"
Rawtimes - permaculture project at Pangaia on the eastern edge of the volcanic rift zone of Hawaii .
Rodale Institute - works with people worldwide to achieve a regenerative food system that renews environmental and human health working with the philosophy that "Healthy Soil = Healthy Food = Healthy People
seedy business - Moulsecoomb Forest Garden and Wildlife Project - Seedy Business.
Shekinashram - is an ashram and holistic retreat centre with a difference. Based in Glastonbury, Shekinashram offers B&B accommodation, daily morning kirtan and meditation, organic vegan raw food lunches, sauna, complementary therapies
Soil Association - UK 's leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming and championing human health.
Steward Woodland Community - the community is a permaculture project which aims to demonstrate the value of integrating conservation woodland management techniques with organic growing, traditional skills and crafts and low-impact sustainable living.
Sustain - an alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health abd welfare of people and animals...
Vancouver Permaculture Network - an informal group promoting permaculture, sustainable community and nurturing functional and beautiful environments to live in
Vegan Organic Network - features "how to do it" information sheets and vegan organic growing methds, copies of articles form the magazine, contacts and more
Vegetarian Economy and Green Agriculture - is a research, information and campaigning organisation focusing on farming, food, health and the land.
we-design - is a landscape firm specializing in edible landscaping, backyard wildlife habitat, landscaping for privacy, and water catchment systems.
Wild food foragers of America - dedicated to the positive identification, appreciation, culinary and medicinal uses of edible weeds.
Womens Environmental Network - is a national charity and membership organisation which campaigns on environmental and health issues from a women's perspective. It educates, informs and empowers women and men who care about the environment.