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CAT- Offering solutions to some of the most serious challenges facing our planet and the human race, sucha as climate change, pollution and the waste of precious resources. Run a range of residential courses; from weekend to a yearlong MSc. The Education Department arranges school trips to CAT, which can be tied in the with the large National Curriculum

LILI -helps people to understand the damage is causing to our planet, to change aspects of their lives to lower their own impact and at the same time save moneyand improve their qality of life. Offer residential weekend courses in natural building, renewable energy, food production water and sewage and more. Also crafts one-day courses.

Global Student Experience - provides study abroad programs in Europe , Australia , Argentina and the UK .

The Green Directory - Search for an environment job, careers or recruitment into the environment sectors. Information
on courses, events and news.

EnvironmentJobs - Environment Jobs search: jobs may be in one of several sectors such as ecology, conservation, countryside management, wildlife, recycling, waste management, sustainability, environmental management, landscape, climate change, energy, renewable energy and others

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