Listed here are a selection of bookshops specialised in books covering all subjects pertaining to a
more sustainable use of the land and ecologically sound co-existence with the planet. We are positive
you will find these very useful when looking for a particular title or browsing for new ones.
Book STEPs - online book service providing solutions for living & growing, learning & working in harmony with our environment. All books focus on practical solutions to day to day problems.
Centre for Alternative Technology C.A.T. - good bookstore including own practical publications.
Earth Repair Catalog - permaculture, organic gardening, food, farming, smallholding, agro forestry, aquaculture, bio-dynamics, animal husbandry, eco architecture & building, alternative technology, community, earth medicine and lots more.
Eco-Logic Books - have been selling books that promote practical solutions to environmental problems, for many years. They have recently taken to publishing books on their own account and have produced books on LETS, Seed Saving, Farmers Markets, Green Woodworking, Yurt making and Allotments.
GaiaBooks - natural health, mind body spirit, natural living and environmental issues publisher with online bookstore.
Green Books - an independent publisher of books on a wide range of environmental issues.
USA - thousands of titles on creating an ecologically sustainable, socially just and democratic world.
Chelsea Green Publishing Cy. - publishes information that helps us lead pleasurable lives on a planet where human activities are in harmony and balance with nature. Books on: shelter, food, planet, people.
Development Bookshop - will source any book on development and development-related issues.
Ecobooks - animal rights, ecological agriculture, design, economics, history, psychology, endangered species, genetic engineering, green politics, simple living, ...
Eco-Home Network - has all types of information on ecological living.
SEI Bookstore - photovoltaics, eco building technologies, wind energy, energy saving at home, solar cooking,
Taylor Publishing - hard to find books on alternative and eco-building methods and materials